Hosha 6 years

Qashani Hosha Badawiyya - 'Hosha'
Born 1.3. 2003
Owners - Milla Vainikainen

Hosha was beautiful from the very start: nearly white with jetblack eyes and and nose - the latter has lightened since then. She is the ethereal beauty of the litter, the elegant maiden that is hard to ignore due to her lithe lines and long legs.


Her name Hosha Badawiyya means Catcher from the Bedouin and Hosha strives to live up to her title by chasing lures and tennis balls and racing around the yard with a bit of fur in her teeth.


Hosha moved to her new home in Jokela in early July 2003 as Milla Vainikainen's first dog. The family had meticulously planned for her arrival and visited her several times before her move.

Hosha 2 years

At the Saluki Show 2003 Hosha and her brother Hajum placed second in Brace. It was both funny and touching to watch.

Hosha got an "excellent" at the National Saluki Specialty in 2006, judged by  Linda Scanlon (Aarakis Salukis), USA. Hosha grows more beautiful each day. In 2009 she was was BOS Desert Bred at the unofficial Saluki Show.

Hosha & Nasu

Hosha now has two live-in Saluki friends, since the family was joined by the bitch Nasu aka Tazillah Nasim Nahema and her daughter.


Zafran Asli (s)

imp. Israel

Ramal of Kalansua (s)
Trad of el Huzeil (s)
Hobob of Kalansua (s)
Alex of Binyamina
Sacha of Mizpe Ramon
Honey of Binyamina


Farha al-Faifa (s)

imp. Israel

Regab of Abu Rekiek (s)
Pontiac of Abu Rekiek (s)
Ruth of Abu Rekiek
Risha 3 of Abu Rekiek (s)
Pontiac of Abu Rekiek (s)
Risha 2 of Abu Rekiek